Klaus’ Country Proved Lisbon Treaty Necessary

CZECH presidency over the EU was a big dissapointment. Having in mind the relatively good job Slovenes did a year before, a reasonable person had to expect a better achievement. (And if you don’t remember the Slovene presidency, it is probably because they did not screwed).

One could object that with all the crisis taking place it was hard even to breath, not speaking of running succesfully the Union. Gas, Gaza, Iran and all other problem were added to the vanity and self-love of Mr. Sarkozy, multiplied by glattony of domestic opposition. Such an explosive combination could not have resulted into any praiseworthiness.

Last six months proved two fundamental assumptions. Firstly, the European Union desperately needs a strong and stable leadership. Former meaning that it would be respected outside as well as inside. Latter is incompatible with 6 months rotating system. And secondly, it is more than obvious that many countries do not have capacity to provide such a leadership within a half-year time.

The Lisbon Treaty would smoothly solve the problem. The paradox is that the bullet-proof evidence was given by the only country with reluctant relevant political elite.

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